Indiana University Sigma Gamma Epsilon (SGE) Rho Chapter

SGE primarily serves the EAS department by organizing the Crossroads Conference every spring. SGE may also organize field trips for students, provide tutoring for undergraduate EAS courses, and visit local schools or extracurricular groups for EAS outreach events.

Crossroads Conference

The agenda for Crossroads Conference 2024 is under the "Crossroads" tab.  There you will find more information about abstracts, the schedule, judges, and the career fair.


Meeting details

Sigma Gamma Epsilon meets monthly.

Our monthly meeting dates and times for the Spring 2024 semester are listed below. Look for details via email about the location and activities planned for each meeting. Food is provided at all meetings!  Meetings listed meet in GY 2049

  • January - Semester Kickoff and GIS Tutorial
    Tuesday, January 30th at 5:30PM in GY 2049
  • February - Field trip to an Indiana state park
  • March Crossroads Conference preparation
    Thursday March 21st at 4:00PM in GY 2049
  • April - Science Fest Preparation
    Friday April 5th at 3:30PM in GY 2049




President: Thomas LaBarge
Vice President: Brooke Santos
Secretary: Kenia Caro
Treasurer: Mia Keller
Faculty Advisor: Erika Elswick

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I become a member of SGE?

SGE provides connection between other universities that are devoted to the advancement of earth sciences. When listed on your resume, SGE membership signals to potential graduate schools and employers that you were at least a “B” average student without having to explicitly state it. SGE also counts as public service credit when applying for government jobs.

How do I become a member of SGE?

To become a member of SGE, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Be an enrolled undergraduate or graduate student at Indiana University.
  • Complete at least 10 credit hours in earth science courses.
  • Have a major GPA of 3.0 or above.
  • Have an overall GPA of 2.67 or above.

If you meet these requirements and would like to become a member, please email SGE President, Thomas LaBarge.

Contact Thomas LaBarge

What is the difference between SGE and other department clubs (AMS, GeoClub)?

GeoClub’s goal is to build community among students and faculty in the department by organizing geology-focused social events and field trips. The American Meteorological Society’s goal is to provide ways for students to network, discuss, and connect on all things weather. GeoClub and AMS jointly organize the department holiday party in December. SGE is focused on hosting meetings and events that are focused on academic growth and departmental/community service.

Visit the GeoClub website

What if I don’t meet the requirements or don’t want to become a member for other reasons? Can I still participate?

Yes! You can attend SGE meetings and events without officially being a member of SGE.